
Call me curator, not editor

In this age of information overload, editors have to play the same role as curators play for art, insists Parveen Chopra. Quantity does not count any longer, quality does, originality does. So, sharpen the focus, look for the offbeat, for what is hidden. Find the common denominator, show the mega trend.

The South Asian Times

As the managing editor of this local newspaper for over 13 years, I had the privilege to meet with and write exhaustive Person of the Year profiles for the amazing people in our community

More Publications

Reported from India for Yoga Journal, including an exhaustive article on Vastu Shastra, introducing India’s Feng Shui to the American audience

Contributed a chapter on Wellness in a coffee table book titled ‘India: Timeless Splendour’ published by India’s External Affairs Ministry. 

Wrote a feature on Goldie Hawn’s spiritual autobiography after meeting her in New Delhi

Edited One World Under God interfaith journal from New York before Covid forced its suspension; all issues were later compiled as a coffee table book

Interviewed Eric Adams before he was elected NYC mayor

Feature on Kayakalp, a nature cure + panchakarma facility in Palampur, India

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